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Food Insecurity

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Food Insecurity

Community Cupboard Hours of Operation:

Monday and Tuesday, 3 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Thursday and Friday, 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Closed Wednesdays and most major holidays.

User friendly Pantry Experience

  • Client choice, which means you will select your items based on designated categories and quantities.
  • Please park in the north parking lot near the railroad tracks. The parking closest to the building is reserved for cars with Handicapped Parking placards or plates. You may drive your vehicle around to the pantry doors to load once you have been through the pantry.
  • Each household may come once a calendar month. Everyone living in the home is considered one household.
  • We offer Scholastic Books free, for the children in your family. They are for your children to read and enjoy.
  • Pantry options are based on availability and change daily.
  • Wabash County Transit offers free rides to any soup kitchen, pantry, WIC Office and 85 Hope in Wabash County.

Tailgate Giveaway Events

Tailgate food giveaway events are held in the parking lot of the Church of the Brethren 1306 Beckley Street in North Manchester at 12 noon on the second Wednesday each month, as well as, Bachelor Creek Church of Christ 2147 North State Road 15 in Wabash at 11 A.M. on the fourth Wednesday of each month. These Tailgates are made possible by volunteers of the Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana with financial support from the Community Foundation of Wabash County. Volunteers are needed for the monthly tailgate events. Contact the Volunteer Coordinator at Living Well for more information.

Here is the Second Harvest Food Bank link:

Living well in Wabash countyLiving Well in Wabash County

Senior Supplemental Boxes


Living Well in Wabash County CoA, Inc. began food distribution during the cheese giveaway days in the 1980’s. At that time the Council on Aging and the Wabash County Senior Center were located in the Beacon House on Carroll Street in Wabash. After those early days of the government commodity program, the food distribution transitioned from an entitlement program based on age to a need-based program without age restrictions. With the transition, Living Well in Wabash County CoA, Inc. continued to distribute the government commodities, which requires that the federal and state resources be matched by local resources. We provide one to two tons of food and household items of necessity.
Living well in Wabash county
The Community Cupboard Food Pantry at the Winchester Center has been able to meet growing needs through partnerships with the help of generous donors, Second Harvest Food Bank of East Central Indiana, Walmart, Kroger, and Midwest Poultry.

In accordance with federal law, this organization is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable law.


Local Time

10:01 pm